Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Cuclillo Manglero 

Cuclillo Manglero. Acrylic on canvas 5"x7". By Nayaly Benavidez

This beautiful bird can be found in tropical areas and in the Caribbean. Its habitat is mostly mangroves and swamps.  Up to now, the species is stable, however, it is predicted to change due to industrialization. 



Barrancoli Dominicano. Acrylic on canvas 5"x7". By Nayaly Benavidez

This little colorful bird is mostly found in rainforests os mountains in The Dominican Republic and Haiti. Its habitat is very diverse, you can find it in places areas such as mangroves, coffee plantations, and dry forests. The Barrancoli is a very small bird, about 11-12 centimeters, with beautiful features such as its bright green colors that will make you fall in love with it. 

Torito Cabecirrojo

Torito Cabecirrojo. Acrylic on canvas 5"x7". By Nayaly Benavidez.

The Torito Cabecirrojo bird lives in forest areas that go from Costa Rica to Peru and Venezuela. This bird's habitat is also high rain forests.

Garza Negra de Noche Coronada

Garza Negra de Noche Coronada. Acrylic on canvas 8"x10".

This Garza Negra during the day is a really calm bird, which stays stationary in the trees during daylight hours, its greater activity is performed during the night. This bird is spread worldwide, except for places like Australia and The Antarctic. Its habitat is also very diverse, as it can go from swamps to coast, near to river and oceans, and rice plantations.

Lechuza Cara Ceniza

Lechuza Cara Ceniza. Acrylic on canvas 8"x10". By Nayaly Benavidez

This awesome type os owl is found in The Dominican Republic and Haiti. Its habitat is mostly dry tropical areas but can also live in forests. These endemic birds are endangered because they are losing their primary habitat. These birds are very dependable on forests. 

Toco Toucan 

Toco Toucan. Acrylic on canvas. By Nayaly Benavidez

These majestic birds that mostly prevail in South America are breathtaking birds. With there colorful peaks and plumage, ancient indigenous thought that these birds have the power to lead into spiritual worlds. 

Fruterito Azulejo

Fruterito Azulejo. Acrylic on canvas. By Nayaly Benavidez

Found in many areas of South America, this bird will captive your attention with its beautiful blue and intense yellow plumage. 

Cigua Palmera

Cigua Palmera. Acrylic on canvas. By Nayaly Benavidez
Being the national bird of the Dominican Republic, it is a very active bird, found almost everywhere in the country. This endemic bird of La Hispaniola lives in palms that are isolated from other trees to prevent contact with predators like snakes and rats.


Canario. Acrylic on canvas. By Nayaly Benavidez

Cigua Amarilla

Cigua Amarilla. Acrylic on canvas. By Nayaly Benavidez

Gavilan de la Hispaniola 

Gavilan de la Hispaniola. Acrylic on canvas. By Nayaly Benavidez.


Cua. Acrylic on canvas. By Nayaly Benavidez. 

Pajaro Bobo mayor 

Pajaro Bobo Mayor. Acrylic on canvas. By Nayaly Benavidez

Trogon de la Hispaniola

Trogon de la Hispaniola. Acrylic on Canvas. By Nayaly Benavidez.